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For many owners we’ve talked to, it’s been an essential chair for watching sporting events or any other time you’ll be in the direct sun for hours, like cookouts, picnics, birthday parties, and field trips. Like others in its category, this chair comes with an over-the-shoulder carry bag, but some testers found it was light and compact enough to carry without the case. If you’re looking for highly specialized or ultra-lightweight chairs for backpacking, our recommendations are probably not for you. We also don’t have suggestions ozark trail wagon for couch-style or loveseat chairs (we’d like to look at those someday, though).

We chose the Coleman Cooler Quad Chair as the model with the right combination of comfort, durability, usability, and price for most campers. This wider and longer set will provide support for larger adults with the same upright style as the traditional bagged camping chair. Has been rated for 300 pounds, but can hold more weight comfortably. Double cup holders are also extra large to hold bigger drinks. Compared to similar camping chairs on the market, the Ozark Trail Camping Chair stands out for it’s exceptional value for money. The chair doesn’t have all the features and comfort that some of the more expensive brands carry such as the Nemo Stargaze, nor is it as light weight as the OEX Ultra Lite Chair, but its a reliable, robust, all-round solid chair which provides excellent value for its price point.

In addition, the tray has a handy cup holder, which virtually eliminates the risk of spilling your drink. The one thing this chair doesn’t have, however, is storage. Fortunately, this is also easy to remedy via a bit of DIY engineering.

We independently purchase and test the products displayed. When you purchase through our links, we may earn a small commission. Overall, our first impressions were positive and this has been borne out as the Ozark Trail has stayed in the garden for the last two weeks and is perfect to relax into at the end of the day or while waiting for the burgers to cook on the BBQ. The product received may be subject to package modification and quantity from the manufacturer. Go to selected store pick up your order at the Click & Collect counter and show the SMS or Email verification to the store staff.

These are occasional seating options, and you won’t typically be spending such extended periods sitting in one that it starts to be an issue. The Ozark Trail XXL Director Chair is a reasonably comfortable, versatile camp chair, offered by a reliable company. Recommended for anyone up to 500 pounds who is looking for a basic camp chair.

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In case the products or the number of products you receive are not the same as what you have ordered, please contact our Call Center within the delivery date at 1467 or Live ChatTops reserves the right for product claims in case the delivery form has already been signed or late notifications. Civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, war (whether declared or not) or threat or preparation for war. Impossibility of the use of public or private telecommunications networks.

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