Our Blends

No interfering peaks from tobacco extract were observed. Nicotine concentration was calculated using peak area ratio of internal standard and sample peak. Nicotine content was expressed as the concentration of nicotine in tobacco and also as the total amount of nicotine in one entire cigarette. I was shocked how much real tobacco flavor came through, mostly in the form of the Virginia, lending the lemon and hay notes. If I could figure out how to tame the mechanics this would be something I could find myself reaching for, particularly when I was smoking around company.

All three are mellow with a pleasant taste and room note. Captain Black comes from Lane Limited, an operating subsidiary of Reynolds American Inc, hence the mass-market distribution. Captain Black has also been around for several decades, so it is certainly well-established. Captain Black is what the pipe-smoking community would refer to as a “Drug Store Tobacco”. However, my experience with it was exceptionally pleasant. We do NOT sell tobacco or tobacco-related products to anyone under 18 years of age.

Christie’s Custom Blended Pipe Tobaccos are all one hundred percent natural tobaccos. Stock solution (0.2 mg/ml) of nicotine and metronidazole (internal standard) were prepared by dissolving accurately weighed quantities of pure compounds separately in distilled water. The stock solution remained stable for more than a month when stored at -20°C. Working standard solutions of nicotine (different concentrations of 10, 15, 20, 23 and 30 µg/ml) were prepared by dilution of the stock solution with distilled water. To 1 ml of each standard sample, 2 ml of internal standard was added and the volume made up to 10 ml with distilled water as for the test samples.

One of the brands (Kent) tested in Japan were the same as what we analyzed in Iran. The average amounts of nicotine were 11.24 and 14.61 mg, and percentage of nicotine were 1.71% and 1.80% in each of these cigarette analyzed in Japan and in Iran, respectively. Variation in the percentage of nicotine between the tested domestic and imported brand of cigarettes as well as between light and ordinary tested cigarettes were shown in figures 1 and ​and2,2, respectively. In addition, the percentage of nicotine content variation among all the testes light cigarettes were compared in figure 3.

You can then resume the rehumidification process if necessary. You must be of legal age to purchase tobacco products or smoking accessories on this site. The first time I smoked Captain Black Gold, I was drinking a Cabernet Sauvignon captain black tobacco and it just didn’t work. I thought I didn’t like the Gold, but on my second try with just a glass of water, I enjoyed it much more. There are lots of sugars in this, and it can bite you if you push it too hard, but it is still a nice sweet Virginia.

With pressed cuts, the tobacco is placed under extreme pressure and specific heat for extended periods. From this process, the tobacco emerges compressed in cakes or rolls. This process doubles as a slight fermentation, giving the tobacco a fuller, rounder taste that typically receives little or no top flavor. The thickest cut of pipe tobacco, Broad Cut is roughly twice as wide as Loose Cut.