CHACOM creator and distributor of fine pipes

This gives off the impression of showing the smoke as it flows from the bowl into your mouth. The bowls all have shades of gray to them, with smooth or sandblasted finishes both available for your preference. You can choose from the six Chacom Jurrasic tobacco pipes we offer you, with each of them providing a unique and beautiful looking pipe that will stand out amongst your collection. Chacom are one of the most historically important pipe makers still in business today. As early as 1825 the Comoy family was producing smoking pipes from Boxwood, long before the discovery of Briar wood. Henry Chacom is born in 1850, just 6 years before the discovery of briar and St Claude becoming the home and centre of the briar pipe world.

In this restoration project the stem repair posed the biggest challenge. Now armed with this acquired knowledge, I embarked on my quest to gain knowledge through personal experience. The Jura Mountains are notable for tobacco pipe history thanks to the town of Saint-Claude, which historians have noted is the birthplace of the briar pipe. The storied lineage that has come through the pipe world can all trace back to this area, so it is only fitting that the Jura region and the Mountains in there get the tribute it certainly deserves. Chacom has a very long history that goes back to the beginning of the nineteenth century, the time when no more bryar pipes were made.

Most notably was Pierre Morel who had initially worked on chacom tobacco pipes the Chacom Gran Cru, Naja and Fluer de Bruyere handmade ranges and eventually became the companies head pipe maker. Still to this day Chacom are known for their traditional manufacturing techniques, with a very contempory look and feel them. After the “Great War” the St Claude factory is renamed is “CHAPUIS COMOY & Cie”.

I also had the internals of the stem thoroughly cleaned using pipe cleaners, cue tips and alcohol. Chacom really went to work creating memorable and exciting smoking peterson pipes pipes for the Jurrasic line. The stems on each pipe are white with darker, whispy coloring throughout.

Whether you’re looking for the perfect briar pipe for someone’s birthday or wholesale tobacco pipes for your smoke shop, trust Paykoc Pipes to have what you need. While they were exploding in popularity during the turn of the last century, Chapuis-Comoy started seeing some competition from outside of France. Soon, word spread of their quality and international demand started coming in. It did not take long, and Chacom tobacco pipes became the number one pipes in France, Belgium, and The United States after World War Two.

Keep and use the pouch that you obtained with the purchase to ensure your pipe looks good. Balkan Sobraine has long been one of the most celebrated English blend tobaccos and dates back approximately 100 years. If you can get your hands on a tin of the original Sobraine of London blend congratulations, you’ve acquired the holy grail of pipe tobacco. Germain’s take on the classic blend is salty, with buttery herbs, onions, and garlic overtones and a very light smokiness binding it all together. Chapuis-Comoy is the French company that creates and sells Chacom pipes worldwide.

All the blending is done by hand before the tobacco is hard pressed and cut into thick flakes. Tobacco enthusiasts appreciate not only the unique flavor and Old World airs but also the way it crumbles to facilitate easy loading of tobacco pipes. Like other Germain tobaccos production runs on Esoterica Penzance are quite limited and it sells out quickly. English, Burley, Perique, and more are tobaccos even beginner pipe enthusiasts are familiar with. They are sold virtually everywhere you can get tobacco pipes and are universally appreciated for their taste and enjoyability. But what about pipe tobaccos that aren’t on the bestseller list?

Chacom pipes are available at your captain black tobacco favourite tobacconist. If a model is not available, it can be ordered at short notice. With a massive selection of styles, it will be difficult to NOT find something that you love the look of. This makes the Chacom brand an excellent source of smoking pipes for collectors, and casual smokers alike.