His and hers Schwinn adult beach cruiser bikes

We also recommend the sixthreezero EVRYjourney Women’s Beach Cruiser for riding over hills, commutes, and boardwalks. Kevin Cortez is an editor for Runner’s World, Bicycling, and Popular Mechanics covering reviews. A culture and product journalist for over ten years, he’s an expert in men’s style, technology, gaming, coffee, e-bikes, hiking, gear, and all things outdoors. He most recently worked as the Style Editor for Reviewed, a top product recommendation site owned by USA TODAY.

Single-speed cruisers make up most of the market, so it’s easy to find good choices in this competitive category. Single-speed bikes are matches for casual riders who plan on cruising flat roads and paths. The Sixthreezero Around The Block Women’s Single-Speed balances design and performance in a laid-back ride that won’t leave you fussing with gears and cables. This bike delivers smooth riding with a springy saddle, foam grips on the handlebars, and waffle-tread tires.

When I got old enough (and big enough!) to ride schwinn ebike it, my grandparents let me ride a bike that was just taking up space in my grandfather’s shed, a 1963 Schwinn Fleet cruiser bike. Now, I’m not 100% certain it was this exact model but it’s darn close. “Technology” makes it sound complicated, but it’s really quite simple. The pedals on the Townie are placed more forward on the frame, so that instead of pushing straight down on the pedals, you’re pushing slightly in front of you. The Electra Townie 7D comes in a wide variety of bright and cheery colors, and is also one of the best-quality cruisers on this list.

Since then, she’s been back in the cruiser saddle on bike tours in her hometown of Albuquerque, New Mexico, and around the globe. The coaster brake, or back pedal brake, is another classic, retro feature of a beach cruiser. Coaster brakes need very little maintenance and just keep things simple. Its upright geometry puts you in a position that takes strain off your neck and back and lets you take in the sights around you. But that means it isn’t ideal for steep climbs up winding mountains.

The Crusader “Cruiser” model was the high-end men/boy’s bicycle, and included additional features, such as front headlight, rear rack, and most importantly, the motorbike tank. Many coastal cruisers on the market don’t actually handle well on beaches—the water, salt, and sand are often too much, and seaside corrosion deteriorates the vehicle. The ultralight frame is rustproof, making this bike extra durable. You can also have a custom-built surfboard rack attached at an extra cost. The 3 and 7-speed models have internally geared hubs that change the gears instead of a traditional derailleur. Housed inside the rear hub, the gearing mechanism is protected from damage and will rarely (if ever) need maintenance like a derailleur will.